

Hackers and identity thieves are highly motivated to steal personal and business information

Keeping your personal information safe and your business’s confidential documents private is more important now more than ever. The latest data breach statistics show that hackers and Identity thieves are highly motivated to steal personal and business information to earn money. What is more, information breaches are on the rise and a fine for a data breach can bankrupt your business . The average cost per data breach in Australia is $3.35 million per breach.

Disposing of documents in an inappropriate manner can be dangerous

Even now, -when most of these records are digital, small and big companies still produce high volumes of physical documents.
These documents might contain sensitive and private information susceptible to theft or could be gathered by malicious third parties just waiting to get their hands on them.

While many data breaches occur when a cybercriminal infiltrates a data source and extracts confidential information, many others occur due to the lack of document protection when they are disposed of.

Prevention Is key

A correct document and records management policy is the best way to ensure the safety of your documents and records. Such a policy must include how to handle information from Its creation until its destruction regardless of its form.

While many companies and business’ protect their information when they are using it, they fail to protect that information when they are disposing of it.

Some businesses and individuals dispose of their documents and electronic devices by throwing them into the bin or shredding them at the office. This can be a dangerous practice, which may put businesses and individuals at risk of being a victim of identity theft, monetary loss or even fines. The average loss for data breaches in 2020 was $4,000 just for individuals and the fines for businesses go up to $2.1 million.

For this reason, when you dispose of any device or paper that contain sensitive information you should ensure its securely destroyed. Remember prevention is key and can save you from headaches and losing thousands of dollars.

Secure Destruction Services

Secure document destruction and secure e-waste disposal services are the best options to avoid your information ending in criminal hands. Therefore it helps you to keep your private information private and your business safe.

When you hire secure destruction services be sure you hire a trustworthy and professional company. You can search for social proof, and experience that will confirm they are in the capacity to handle your private information.

Secura Bags is a secure destruction services provider, with a long trajectory and enough social proof, you can be sure we know how to handle sensitive information. When you hire our services you will have peace of mind your documents are secure.

Read a complete guide to dispose of your records