

There is not better way to start spring than a spring clean. When winter finish some allergens  may stay at your office. Think about it, the use of heaters with close windows is the perfect environment for germens to thrive. It is well known that bacteria grows in warm temperatures, and probably you have done well keeping your office warm and cozy during winter time, so yes even if you don’t see them germens are there! Furthermore, with the current environment trying to keep your office and your staff as safe and healthy is a must. So lets go ahead and see how to go a head with your spring cleaning.

spring clean office

A clean office improves your health inmune system

A clean office improves your productivity

1.0 Plan your office cleaning

The best way to tackle your spring office cleaning is planning all the tasks that need to be done. grab a pen and paper, and go all around checking what is need to be done. Is your desk messy? do the carpets need a serious clean. Are shelves declutter? 

Check all the elements, think about it do you have the time to do it? Can you outsource some of the work, divide the task in two, First the things you can do or should do on you own and the tasks you can outsource.

2.0 Organize Paper work


We all hate it but is necessary, It amaze me how easy old papers pile up and mix with the papers we need to have on hand. taking your time to go trough you papers is a really important task. To organize your paper work divided in three categories: To do, To File and to Throw away. if you are not sure about if you are going to need something in the future you can always scan the file, save the digital copy and dispose of the hard copy. This will save you heaps of time in the future as digital files are easier to find than hard copies.

3.0 Clean Out Desks

office paper work

Take the time to clean out your desk, if you have staff then schedule at least half hour for them to clean their desks. Having a clean desk with only the essentials with help to improve the look of the office and the productivity. The trick is just keep the basic stuff, computer, notepads, and current paper work. Making a clean desk policy will help you to maintain the office clean and safe from data breaches.

4.0 Clean Your Furniture

clean office furniture

After organization its done its time to clean, wipe down all type of surfaces with disinfectant. This includes, shelves , windows, doors, desks. If you are in lock down is perfect time to do something productive and prepare for yourself for the near future. This tasks is not only good for your office but can also beneficial your  your health. Manual tasks that require physical work release endorphins and help to relax. Plus what better that end the lockdown with a sparkle office. 


Wipe down surfaces with disinfectant

Dust your shelves

Polish your furniture

If you don’t feel like doing it yourself you can hire a cleaner per hour to do the tasks.  

5.0 Clean Your Floors

clean your office floors

Finally get your floors cleaned. for this final task is highly probable that you need to hire a professional cleaner, they have the proper equipment to do it fast.

Whether is mopping, waxing , or steam vacuuming having clean fresh floors is the final step to have your office ready to go.

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